Attendance Policy

School Attendance

The district's educational program is built on the premise that regular attendance is vital to a student's success. Seeing that a student maintains regular attendance requires a cooperative effort between student's, parents/guardians, and school personnel.


To report an absence, parents or guardians are to call the school (815.786.2157) between 6:00a.m. and 10:00a.m. on the day of the absence (an answering machine will take calls before 7:30am) NOTES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR A STUDENT'S ABSENCE. If a phone call is not received by 10:00a.m, a reasonable attempt will be made to contact a parent or guardian. If contact cannot be made, the absence will be considered UNEXCUSED.

Valid Causes For Absenteeism
In keeping with Section 26-2a of the Illinois School Code, this district considers the following circumstances to be valid causes for a student's absence:

  1. Illness (medical documentation will be required for chronic absences)
  2. Observance of a Religious Holiday
  3. Death in immediate family
  4. Family emergency (must be approved by the school administrator)
  5. Circumstances that cause reasonable concern to the parent or guardian for the safety or health of the student as determined by the school administrator.

Anticipated Absences (Vacations)
Excused absences will be granted for medical, dental, and legal business as well as other parental requests made in advance. When full day absences are anticipated, students MUST fill out a teacher notification form and obtain the appropriate signatures. It is the responsibility of the STUDENT to request their assignments and to make sure they are submitted upon their return.

Health & Safety Concerns

Illness & Injury
Illness and injury occurring at school should be reported immediately to the classroom teacher. Immediate action will be taken which may include notification of the school nurse as well as a parent/guardian.

Prescription and non-prescription drugs are to be administered and stored through the main office. A written medication form must be on file before any medication (prescription or non-prescription) will be dispensed. Sandwich High School does not supply medication for students. Possession of any controlled substance, prescription or otherwise, will result in disciplinary action.

Additional information regarding medication and school health services is available through the office or from the school nurse.

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