
English Department

Ms. Bieber - Email address: [email protected]
Mrs. Heilemeier - Email Address: [email protected] (Department Chair)
Ms. Kocurek - Email Address: [email protected]
Mrs. Lusk - Email Address: [email protected]
Mrs. Misener - Email Address: [email protected]

Mrs. Reed - Email Address: [email protected]

English Department Philosophy
Language Arts (English) includes subjects which relate to reading, writing, grammar, listening, speaking, drama, vocabulary, language, literature, journalism, and all aspects of communication of ideas orally, visually, aurally, and/or kinesthetically for all students. The department supports the importance of providing academic and extra curricula opportunities in Language Arts for all students.

All teachers share a responsibility for encouraging acceptable standards of communication through Language Arts and, therefore, are also teachers of English in speaking and writing, making corrections when needed. Language Arts teachers will work harmoniously with the teachers in other areas for the total good of the student. Educational development of students in English should be continuous from preschool through high school and into adult education.

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